L1chn4k's Blog

Projects updates

2022-09-26 16:04:33 +0100

Few updates and created TBD (threts, cis, tor, risk management) project pages.

Updated https://lichnak.cz/dropdown/projects_osint.html and https://lichnak.cz/dropdown/projects_spiderfoot.html

OSINT updates and Unifi

2022-09-25 12:23:51 +0100

Close to new year 5783. Happy Rosh HaShanah.

Updated https://lichnak.cz/dropdown/projects_osint.html

and started work on Ubuquity Edge switch configuration https://lichnak.cz/dropdown/projects_ubiquity.html

Spiderfoot and Sysinfo

2022-09-19 05:12:09 +0100

Weekend passed so fast. Anyway, I found few mintues to document Spiderfoot installation and tried to describe steps to implement WMI scraping in Windows by Sysinfo project.

Also, I’m in preparation several more project articles about OSINT and Threat Inelligence. Be patient it will be comming soon.


Almost forgot to mention Uber leak.

Uber Leak


Spiderfoot project is documented here: https://lichnak.cz/dropdown/projects_spiderfoot.html



Kubernetes and Junk page updated

2022-09-12 06:32:51 +0100

Kubernetes and Junk page updated


Kubernetes project is documented here: https://lichnak.cz/dropdown/projects_k8s.html



Added new projects

2022-09-09 19:28:03 +0100

Few projects described.


Gitlab project is documented here: https://lichnak.cz/dropdown/projects_gitlab.html


Zabbix project is documented here: https://lichnak.cz/dropdown/projects_zabbix.html


Foreman project is documented here: https://lichnak.cz/dropdown/projects_foreman.html


Wireguard project is documented here: https://lichnak.cz/dropdown/projects_wireguard.html


Kubernetes project is documented here: https://lichnak.cz/dropdown/projects_k8s.html

Install Vault and ELK SIEM

2022-09-06 11:28:46 +0100

I had time to write down portion of my last week activites and I would like to shared them in public.

I worked on installation of Hashicorp Vault and Elastic ELK.


Vault project is documented here: https://lichnak.cz/dropdown/projects_vault.html


ELK SIEM project is documented here: https://lichnak.cz/dropdown/projects_elk.html

Content updates and ideas

2022-09-02 13:30:00 +0100

I had time to create articles in czech at chemistry section. Also projects have been updated, but there is bunch of editing ahead.

Ideas to follow up:

  • create project linux tools (application build, config, etc.)
  • create project sysinfo on which I have stated to contribute linux tools
  • start preparing multi language site; for starter en_us, cs_cz
  • change visuals for the site: text color from white to gray, extend default container 1440px, footer line-height, change pictogram for home

Lichnak.cz deployment part2

2022-09-02 12:00:00 +0100

Lichnak.cz pages deployment is in done.

I finished Gitlab CI/CD pipeline.

Next steps are now to focus on the content and finish TBD articles.


  • build Jekyll pages (done).
  • build docker image with jekyll pages (cancaled) - Thoughts: “Serving static pages with docker? Why? Am I insane?”
  • deploy docker image behind the reverse proxy (cancaled) - No need for this as topic above was cancaled.
  • build jekyll pages and pass artifacts to next stage (done).
  • deploy built artifacts to path from where will be served with nginx (done).

Lichnak.cz deployment

2022-02-08 12:41:32 +0100

Lichnak.cz pages deployment is in progress. Currently I finished research of possible workflow within Gitlab CI/CD pipeline.


  • build Jekyll pages (done)
  • build docker image with jekyll pages (in progress)
  • deploy docker image behind the reverse proxy (in progress)

First post

2022-02-05 10:07:12 +0100

Blood Moon

I’m trying to get nice looking html/css layout and preparing deployment of lichnak.cz pages with Gitlab CI/CD.


My name is Adam Lichonvsky and I'm proud father and researcher.